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The No B.S. Super In-Depth All-Level Planche Mastery Guide


Hey, I’m Justin. Over the past 8 years I’ve been competing and training people. 


I’ve noticed there’s a lot of confusion when clients tell me they’ve tried “30-day programs” or “6-month plans” to achieve any calisthenics movement (planche, handstand, muscle up, front lever, flips and freestyle).


Truth be told, it’s hard to determine your own strength level and if the guide you’re looking to buy is even suitable for you. 


So I’ve basically come up with a 400-page textbook for perhaps the most superman-looking skill out there - the planche.


And why is that, you ask? 


Because I want to put an end to all the guessing.


I want beginner, intermediate and advanced athletes to achieve one of the hardest calisthenics moves simply by using a guide that shows them how to create their own program... 


Tailored to their exact strength level.


Here’s some of the things revealed:


- How to create your own workout for your current strength level!

- Why each exercise is used!

- Common mistakes and fixes for every exercise!

- How to progress in a way that is perfect for you!

- Sample workouts! 

- Wrist-specific and full-body stretches plus warmups to avoid injury!

- Photos and explanations for everything (even for small things like the scapula!)


This is for all 5 levels of the planche:


Level 1 - The Tuck Planche

Level 2 - The Advanced Tuck Planche

Level 3 - The Straddle Planche

Level 4 - The Half-Lay Planche

Level 5 - The Full Planche


Here’s bonus material that I’ve added to supplement your training with:


- descriptions and workouts for the handstand

- leg progressions

- theory


If you’re a beginner, this book will literally give you months, if not YEARS of PROPER training.


If you’re intermediate and have been stuck, you’ll find out what the next progression is and the BEST way to work towards it.


If you’re advanced, you’re experienced enough to know how IMPORTANT little tweaks are to unlock a move at 100%.


There’s companies out there that offer just one level for $175. 

Imagine paying for 5... more than what in-person training costs!


I’ve done the heavy lifting for you, all for ONLY $25 - it is my first digital product ever so I wanted it to be special and exceed expectations. 


Seems fair?

Enjoy it and be happy with your choice.

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